Jamestown Estate Homes’ starts coordinator and office manager, Laura Cyr, discusses how we receive city of Houston permits as quickly as possible.
Laura shares her tips and trips in a video here. Her first tip for getting permits processed in Houston is to review what you missed in the past. Laura created a folder with past permit kick-back comments we have received from the city. Before submitting a new project, Laura reviews the book to see if we missed anything that we have missed before.
Once you have your final set of plans, Laura recommends you start going through your checklist. The city of Houston provides a checklist, but it doesn’t say everything you have to do in order to receive a permit. That’s where your book of past comments comes in handy.
Another tip to get through permitting quickly is to put dimensions everywhere. Dimensions that are commonly missed include culverts, driveways, awnings and overhangs. Build lines are another tricky item, as some older neighborhoods in Houston have their own deed restriction building lines. These deed restrictions can be found online or in closing documents, and they need to be used in order to get your new home permit.
Laura’s final tip is to label every room, and not use words like “future” and “flex space”. Using labels like study and gym work well in this situation.
We hope Laura’s tips can help our builder friends receive building permits faster! For more videos by Jamestown Estate Homes, subscribe to our YouTube channel.